Better serve members by eliminating manual estate work

Recover on estate debt without putting member relationships and reputation at risk.

Better serve members by eliminating manual estate work

Recover on estate debt without putting member relationships and reputation at risk.

Scalable and cost-effective recoveries

Enhance member relationships

Properly segment decedent accounts to ensure a survivor-sensitive approach to recovery

Reinvest returns

Recoveries are reinvested in the credit union in the form of higher savings yields, lower loan rates, lower fees and enhanced services for members

Mitigate compliance risks

Automatically adhere to all probate claim filing guidelines and courthouse requirements

Create process perfection

Remove process inefficiencies that hinder return on investment by streamlining all recovery activities

Manage at scale

Upload, scrub, and manage the statuses of thousands of accounts as they move through probate

Actionable reporting

Intuitive dashboards coupled with advanced reporting provide actionable insights for your team

Our Credit Union clients get results

A federal credit union recovered over $500,000 in filed claims


An established federal credit union with multiple branch offices providing an array of financial services to its large member base.

A member-services driven federal credit union was looking for ways to provide greater value and competitive rates to its member base. They understood that probate could help them rightfully recover deceased debt, but they were faced with limited resources and concerned about potentially high costs and risks.

As with most not-for-profit credit unions, their primary concern was keeping their member base satisfied while still being able to recover on deceased debt without putting their reputation and relationships at risk.

The company was seeking a scalable and cost effective solution that would help them maintain positive member relationships, require only limited resources, and provide a positive return on investment that could be reinvested back into the business to enhance its member services.


Recovered in filed claims


Return on investment

2 months

Settlements received in the first two months paid for the first year of Probate Finder OnDemand’s service

“When I started handling the probate process, I was manually searching for every estate. It was time-consuming and ineffective, but I thought there wasn’t any other way. After finding Probate Finder OnDemand, it makes my role less about finding and filing, and instead about the recoveries.”
Loss Recovery Specialist
Top 10 Credit Union

See Probate Finder OnDemand in action

With knowledge regarding the probate process, support from an experienced staff of probate collections experts, and the ease of locating and presenting claims that Probate Finder OnDemand provides, our partners are finding revenue in places where they didn’t expect it to exist.

1550 American Blvd E Suite 400, Bloomington, MN 55425
Contact us: 877.326.5686